Early Childhood Education (ECED)


ECED-301. Curriculum And Instruction In Early Childhood Education. 3 Hours.

In this course, candidates learn to create developmentally appropriate lesson plans and implementation strategies for infants and toddlers (ages 0-3), preschool and kindergarten (ages 4-5), and primary grade children (ages 6-8). Appropriate classroom layouts, curricular materials, activities, learning centers, educational play, individualization of instruction, child guidance and classroom management techniques for each age range are discussed. Lesson plans created for infant/toddler, preschool and the primary grades are implemented within the course.
Prerequisite: EDFN-302 with a minimum grade of C and EDFN-303 with a minimum grade of C.

ECED-306. Methods Of Teaching Reading In Early Childhood. 3 Hours.

This course presents methods, techniques, materials and assessments for early literacy instruction. It examines the nature of the literacy processes (listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and visual representation), literacy development in the typically developing child, and the child with special needs. Attention is given to the five major areas of literacy instruction (phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension). Candidates learn how to use authentic assessment data to monitor children's progress and create flexible groupings for instructional purposes. They also learn strategies to differentiate instruction and support struggling and advanced readers. The course is integrated with technology.
Prerequisite: EDFN-302 with a minimum grade of C and EDFN-303 with a minimum grade of C.

ECED-313. Writing Intensive Program: Language Development And Educational Implications. 3 Hours.

This Writing Intensive Program (WIP) course is a study of young children’s language development, communication theory and analysis of the five aspects of language knowledge-phonemes, semantics, syntax, morphemes and pragmatics. Major language acquisition theories, basic language development inventories and research on early brain development with regard to language growth are studied. Culture, gender, and socio-economic differences as well as the function of the home language in young children’s development are discussed in relation to their effect on communication in the classroom. Developmentally appropriate screening tools, observation methods and language assessment approaches, are examined.
Prerequisite: ENGL-101 with a minimum grade of C and EDFN-302 with a minimum grade of C and EDFN-303 with a minimum grade of C.

ECED-316. Child, Family And Community. 3 Hours.

This course focuses on how to build trusting relationships with families and engage them in the education of their children. It examines various models of family involvement, advocacy and strategies for utilizing families’ funds of knowledge, assets and resources that they bring to the school. Candidates create home learning activities that support families in engaging their children and locate, classify and catalogue community resources and programs that support children and families. Community health appraisal procedures are evaluated and emphasis is placed on building a culturally responsive classroom environment that fosters family, school and community cooperation.
Prerequisite: EDFN-302 with a minimum grade of C and EDFN-303 with a minimum grade of C.

ECED-325. Children's Literature Across The Curriculum. 3 Hours.

Methods, strategies and materials are presented for integrating children’s literature across the curriculum in the early grades. Instruction focuses on how to choose books that are developmentally appropriate for children birth through 3rd grade, and how to provide them with enjoyable reading experiences of both fiction and non-fiction. Emphasis is on developing critical thinking skills and generating understanding in children through in-depth exploration of literary element in different genres. Text analysis is guided by reader response theory, which emphasizes the reading transaction balance between the reader, the text and the context. Focus is placed on non-fiction and various text structures.
Requirement: minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 in professional courses is required
Prerequisite: EDFN-302 with a minimum grade of C and EDFN-303 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-301 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-306 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-313 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-316 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-338 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-355 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-327A with a minimum grade of B and BLBC-340 with a minimum grade of C.

ECED-327A. Clinical Experiences In Early Childhood Education: Infant To Preschool. 3 Hours.

This 100-hour clinical provides a supervised field experience that allows candidates to be integrated into a classroom environment with children from age 0 to 4 under the guidance of a Cooperating Teacher and a University Supervisor. The course unites the theoretical concepts, methods, developmental milestones, and strategies including the basic principles and practices of personal, interpersonal and community health and safety. It emphasizes integrated language and literacy activities that encourage intellectual curiosity using interdisciplinary approaches in multi-ethnic classrooms. The supervised, field experiences are integrated with conferences and weekly classes. A grade of B or better is required to pass the course.
Requirement: minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 in professional courses is required
Prerequisite: EDFN-302 with a minimum grade of C and EDFN-303 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-301 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-306 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-313 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-316 with a minimum grade of C.

ECED-327B. Clinical Experiences In Early Childhood Education: Kindergarten To 2nd Grade. 3 Hours.

This 100-hour clinical provides opportunity to interact with children in kindergarten, first, or second grade in school settings. Candidates will use interdisciplinary approaches to plan integrated language and literacy as well as Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) activities that encourage intellectual curiosity in multi-cultural classrooms. Emphasis is on differentiated instruction for all students. The supervised field experience is integrated with individual conferences and require weekly 3-hour class meetings throughout the semester. A grade of B or better is required to pass the course.
Requirement: a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 in professional courses
Prerequisite: EDFN-302 with a minimum grade of C and EDFN-303 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-301 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-313 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-316 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-306 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-338 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-355 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-327A with a minimum grade of B and BLBC-340 with a minimum grade of C.

ECED-329. Student Teaching In Early Childhood. 9,12 Hours.

Student Teaching is the culminating experience of the teacher education program. Teacher candidates spend 16 weeks of full-time teaching in a Preschool, Kindergarten or Primary setting under the supervision of of a licensed Cooperating Teacher and a University Supervisor. Teacher candidates apply theory to practice, referencing research-based topics including developmentally appropriate practice and integrating developmental domains into all curriculum areas. Teacher candidates reflect on their professional growth in planning, implementing, assessing and differentiating instruction to address individual strengths and needs and on using authentic assessment data to plan instruction. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 in professional courses is required.
Requirement: Successful completion of all Block 4 courses and PASS Illinois Content Area Test
Prerequisite: ECED-327A with a minimum grade of B and ECED-327B with a minimum grade of B.

ECED-329B. Student Teaching In Early Childhood. 6 Hours.

Student Teaching is the culminating experience of the teacher education program. Teacher candidates spend 16 weeks of full-time teaching in a Preschool, Kindergarten or Primary setting under the supervision of of a licensed Cooperating Teacher and a University Supervisor. Teacher candidates apply theory to practice, referencing research-based topics including developmentally appropriate practice and integrating developmental domains into all curriculum areas. Teacher candidates reflect on their professional growth in planning, implementing, assessing and differentiating instruction to address individual strengths and needs and on using authentic assessment data to plan instruction. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 in professional courses is required.

ECED-338. Developmental Assessment Of Young Children. 3 Hours.

This course presents approaches, strategies, and tools for authentically assessing young children's development and learning from birth through second grade. Emphasis is on physical, socio-emotional, and mental/cognitive growth. Teacher candidates study varieties of academic achievement and screening tools to monitor children's progress in content-area benchmarks and developmental outcomes. Assessment is presented as an ongoing, informal practice that monitors children's interests, motivation and engagement in instruction, as well as the collection, organization and aggregation of data for communicating academic progress to stakeholders. Candidates discuss family involvement in assessing children's development and learning and how to create positive, high quality learning environments.
Requirement: minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 in the professional sequence
Prerequisite: EDFN-302 with a minimum grade of C and EDFN-303 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-301 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-306 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-313 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-316 with a minimum grade of C.

ECED-352. Methods Of Teaching Language Arts, Music And Art In Early Childhood. 3 Hours.

In this interdisciplinary course, ECED candidates learn how to facilitate and support language development and children's creative expressions within the aesthetic domain through a variety of sensory experiences including art, drama, music, dance, and a variety of fine and gross motor movement activities. Candidates explore approaches to teaching art, and discuss methods and materials for supporting culturally responsive artistic expressions in young children. Candidates examine cultural dimensions of the visual arts, as well as the interrelations of visual arts and other forms of art, including drama, music, dance and movement. Candidates analyze technological tools for creating works of art.
Requirement: Minimum GPA of 2.75 in the professional sequence
Prerequisite: EDFN-302 with a minimum grade of C and EDFN-303 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-301 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-306 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-313 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-316 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-338 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-355 with a minimum grade of C and BLBC-340 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-327A with a minimum grade of B.

ECED-355. Methods Of Teaching Mathematics, Science And Social Science In Early Childhood. 3 Hours.

This course explores methods and materials for teaching mathematics, science, and social science to young children in multicultural classrooms. ECED candidates explore major concepts and interdisciplinary approaches to learning, including connections to language and literacy. ECED candidates learn to teach U.S. history, world economic systems, and how to summarize and use data in Social Science with the integration of technology. Candidates study children's mathematical development, increase pedagogical knowledge and math proficiency. Science methods and principles include active exploration and experimentation within everyday environments. Emphasis is on preschool, kindergarten and primary grades. Classroom-management techniques conducive to successful individual and group lessons are discussed.
Requirement: minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 in the professional sequence
Prerequisite: EDFN-302 with a minimum grade of C and EDFN-303 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-301 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-306 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-313 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-316 with a minimum grade of C.

ECED-375. Capstone Experience In Early Childhood Studies. 6 Hours.

The capstone provides students the opportunity to participate in high-level inquiry in an area of specialization within the field of early childhood. Capstone projects will be applied experiences that are inquiry-based and will bridge theory and practice. The capstone aligns student interests and needs within the early childhood field including, original research projects, literature reviews, program development and evaluation, and curriculum development and assessment. The capstone may also build on prior field experiences as appropriate. The capstone supervision and associated course will support students in the creation of their capstone project and provide opportunities for reflective practice.
Requirement: Minimum grade of C in not more than two courses completed in the Early Childhood Studies program. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 in professional courses is required.

ECED-403. Early Childhood Assessment. 3 Hours.

Focuses upon the use and development of evaluation instruments for collecting information about young children. Instruments used will focus on individuality of the child and his unique growth trends and patterns of developmental needs. The materials studied will help the teacher to identify where the child is developmentally and to use instruments and techniques to evolve ways to help the individual child grow.
Prerequisite: PSYC-212 with a minimum grade of C and SPED-303 with a minimum grade of C.

ECED-408. Language Acquistion And Intervention Strategies For Teachers Of Young Children. 3 Hours.

Focuses upon the acquisition of language as the young child develops syntactic, semantic and pragmatic understanding. Differing viewpoints of language learning and cognitive interaction are presented. Techniques for both language assessment and intervention by the teacher of the young child are discussed. Reviews recent research and its applicability to assist the preschool teacher in facilitating language learning and evaluating existing language programs for using language as a tool of communication.
Prerequisite: (ECED-313 with a minimum grade of D or CIEC-313 with a minimum grade of D) and PSYC-215 with a minimum grade of C.

ECED-411A. Clinical Experiences In Early Childhood Education: Infant To Preschool. 3 Hours.

This100-hour clinical provides a supervised field experience that allows candidates to be integrated into a classroom environment with children from age 0 to 4 years under the guidance of a Cooperating Teacher and a University Supervisor. The course unites the theoretical concepts, methods, developmental milestones, and strategies including the use of assessment tools, learning technologies, and practices of personal, interpersonal and community health and safety. It also emphasizes integrated language and literacy activities that encourage intellectual curiosity using interdisciplinary approaches in multi-ethnic classrooms. The supervised, field experiences are integrated with conferences, and weekly seminars. A grade of B or better is required to pass the course.
Requirement: acceptance to master's degree candidacy and 15 credit hours in core courses (ECED-402, ECED-410, ECED-452, LTCY-501, and ECED-408).

ECED-502. Theories, Philosophies And Technologies Informing Early Childhood Education And Assessment. 3 Hours.

This course reviews early philosophies, developmental theories and current technologies that inform/influence the understanding of young children's development, learning and assessment. Classroom implications are discussed, highlighting constructivist theories, approaches, strategies and techniques for effective instruction to meet individual needs of diverse groups of young children. Candidates are introduced to key concepts about how to assess children's development and learning through the observation method, play-based and other assessment techniques, and using assessment to inform instruction. Technological tools that promote children's development and learning as well as those used in collecting and organizing assessment information are discussed.

ECED-503. Early Childhood Curriculum And Assessment. 3 Hours.

This course studies the implications of research and learning theories on developing curriculum and assessment techniques for young children. Students investigate strategies for planning, teaching, using appropriate technologies, assessing, and evaluating young children's learning to promote physical, cognitive and social-emotional development. Teaching techniques for small-group, large-group and individual children are explored through observing and analyzing classroom interaction through major program models. Basic concepts in measurement are applied to select/develop and/or use assessment tools that yield reliable and valid data to inform instruction. Students discuss community resources, use of learning technologies, learner diversity and parent-teacher relationships to enrich children's learning.

ECED-504. Early Language Acquisition, Assessment, And School-Family Intervention Strategies. 3 Hours.

This course focuses on acquisition of language as young children develop phonemic, semantic, syntactic, morphemic and pragmatic understanding through receptive and expressive interaction with parents/caregivers. Based on brain research, the first three years of age are emphasized as critical time period for developing language. Parents'/caregivers' active involvement in children's verbal and nonverbal early language development, assessment and technology use are discussed. Students explore teaching and assessment techniques for preschool and school age children's development of language as a tool for communication and learning. Research on multiple languages and programs is discussed alongside cultural and linguistic diversity of families and classrooms.

ECED-505. Technology Integrated Practice In ECED: Methods Of Teaching/Assessing Language Arts, Music, And Art. 3 Hours.

This course explores advanced knowledge of the theoretical foundations, concepts, current research and methods of teaching and assessing language arts, music, drama and visual arts in Early Childhood. Students will learn how to facilitate language and literacy development and support culturally responsive artistic expression in young children through a variety of sensory experiences including art, drama, music, dance, and movement activities. Candidates will also analyze technological tools and develop appropriate assessments for creating, using and evaluating works of art.

ECED-506. Methods Of Teaching STEAM And Assessing Learning In Early Childhood. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to help students learn to teach Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) and Social Studies to preschool and primary school children and assess their learning. Students explore major concepts and approaches in all six areas and learn to plan and implement thematic units integrating content from all areas, and present it meaningfully to children. Students learn to develop and utilize a variety of assessment strategies and tools. Students also learn classroom management strategies and use of children's diversity as a resource for effective learning.
Corequisite: ECED-527B.

ECED-507. Research Seminar In Early Childhood Education. 3 Hours.

This capstone course presents fundamental concepts of systematic inquiry and assessment of learning in early childhood education. Various experimental designs and descriptive approaches to research are explored. Focusing on action research, students select research problems, develop and evaluate hypotheses/research questions, collect, organize and analyze data, and summarize findings to inform practice. Techniques for writing research proposals and reports are studied. Students examine strategies for maximizing reliability and validity of research and assessment processes to yield usable results. Students examine current technological tools to ease data organization, analysis and interpretation of findings. This capstone course requires a supervised research project.
Prerequisite: ECED-502 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-503 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-504 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-505 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-506 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-527A with a minimum grade of C and ECED-527B with a minimum grade of C and SPED-404 with a minimum grade of C and BLBC-440 with a minimum grade of C and LTCY-501 with a minimum grade of C.

ECED-510. Early Acquisition & Maintenance Of Multiple Languages. 3 Hours.

Students will study acquisition of multiple languages at an early age (by age 8), and analyze sociolinguistic factors that help maintain multiple languages throughout early childhood and beyond. Students will view and discuss language modules developed from brain research and relate them to individual experiences of early acquisition of multiple languages after interviewing individuals who grew up with two or more languages from early childhood and observing young children (0-8 years) who have been exposed to more than one language in their natural settings. Students will explore their personal philosophies of educating young children in multilingual classrooms.

ECED-511. Evaluation & Use Of Research In Early Childhood Education. 3 Hours.

This course introduces students to evaluating and using research in early childhood education, especially research on early brain development. Employing principles of systematic inquiry and fundamentals of early development and learning, students examine different kinds of research processes and reports to determine application within contexts of working with young children. In particular, students will analyze research reports on early development of the brain, and devise practical and contextually beneficial ways to utilize the research finding to enhance children's development and learning. Students will develop and use research-based, culturally and linguistically sensitive strategies to enrich children's experiences.

ECED-512. Global Perspectives In Early Childhood Education. 3 Hours.

Students will study, compare and contrast early childhood education policies, programs and practices in selected countries for the purpose of broadening and deepening knowledge about global education systems and how they interrelate. Students will create profiles of early education practices and the circumstances determining those practices. Electronic contacts will be created between NEIU students and students in other countries (preferably NEIU partnership schools) in order to provide opportunities for students to interact with teacher education candidates in other countries. Students will continue developing their personal philosophies of effective education for young children within multicultural and global contexts.

ECED-527A. Clinical Experiences In Early Childhood Education - Infant To Preschool. 1.5 Hour.

This 80-hour clinical provides two supervised field placements that allow candidates to be integrated into a classroom with children ages 0-2 (30 hours) and ages 3-4 years (50 hours) under the guidance of a Cooperating Teacher and a University Supervisor. The course unites the theoretical concepts, methods, developmental milestones, and strategies including the use of assessment tools and learning technologies with the application of interdisciplinary classroom approaches to promote personal, interpersonal and community health and safety in multi-ethnic classrooms. The supervised field experiences require weekly seminars. A grade of B or higher is required to pass the course.
Prerequisite: ECED-502 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-503 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-504 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-505 with a minimum grade of C and LTCY-501 with a minimum grade of C.

ECED-527B. Clinical Experiences In Early Childhood Education - Kindergarten To 2nd Grade. 1.5 Hour.

In this 80-hour clinical, teacher candidates interact with children in kindergarten, first, or second grades in multicultural school settings. They plan and carry out integrated language, literacy and Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) and Social Science activities that capture children's interest and incorporate health and life skills. Candidates are required to respect children’s diverse linguistic, cultural and family backgrounds to ensure that learning activities are free from bias. The supervised field experiences require weekly seminars throughout the semester. A grade of B or better is required to pass the course.
Prerequisite: ECED-502 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-503 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-504 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-505 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-527A with a minimum grade of C and LTCY-501 with a minimum grade of C and SPED-404 with a minimum grade of C and BLBC-440 with a minimum grade of C.
Corequisite: ECED-506.

ECED-529. Internship - Student Teaching In Early Childhood Education. 6 Hours.

This course offers supervised teaching experience for graduate students in the Master of Arts in Teaching in ECED program. Candidates will spend 16 weeks full-time teaching in Preschool/Primary settings under the supervision of a Cooperating Teacher and a University Supervisor. Five University supervisor observations are integrated with weekly two-hour seminars throughout the semester. Candidates will reflect on their professional growth in planning, instruction, using authentic assessment, learning technology and differentiated instruction to address individual strengths and needs. Candidates will also complete edTPA portfolio as required by the State. A grade of B or better is required to pass the course.
Prerequisite: ECED-502 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-503 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-504 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-505 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-506 with a minimum grade of C and ECED-527A with a minimum grade of C and ECED-527B with a minimum grade of C and LTCY-501 with a minimum grade of C and BLBC-440 with a minimum grade of C and SPED-404 with a minimum grade of C.