Management (MNGT)


MNGT-180. Fundamentals Of Data Science. 4 Hours.

Foundations of data science considers data from three perspectives: inferential thinking, computational thinking, and real-world relevance. Given data arising from some real-world phenomenon, how does one analyze that data to understand that phenomenon? The course teaches critical concepts and skills in computation and statistical inference, in conjunction with hands on analysis of real-world datasets, including economic data, document collections, geographical data, and data from social networks. It delves into social, ethical, and legal issues surrounding data analysis, including privacy and data ownership.
Prerequisite: MATH-173 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-201. Introduction To Business. 3 Hours.

The course provides a general overview of the field of business. Major components of business activity such as management, marketing, accounting, finance, and operations will be discussed. The course will enable students to identify potential careers or advanced coursework in business.

MNGT-350. Introduction To Entrepreneurship. 3 Hours.

The course provides a general overview of the field of entrepreneurship. The focus is on introduction to entrepreneurship from the perspectives of start-up entrepreneurs and early stage investors. Special consideration is given to the processes of entrepreneurial mindset, design thinking, proof-of-concept testing and product-market fit. The course will enable students to identify potential ideas for advanced coursework in entrepreneurship.

MNGT-351. Data Visualization And Management. 3 Hours.

This application-based course covers the core concepts of data retrieval, cleaning, and reporting implemented in current analytics software. The course focuses on data warehousing, accessing data from sources, data cleaning, data manipulation, and a wide range of data visualization methods.
Prerequisite: MNGT-368 with a minimum grade of C or MATH-275 with a minimum grade of C or MATH-305 with a minimum grade of C or ECON-220 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-352. Model-Based Decision Making. 3 Hours.

This course introduces business intelligence and analytics techniques to develop skills for decision-making and complex business problem-solving. These techniques focus on prescriptive analytics including optimization and simulation methods, and predictive analytics including data and text mining, machine learning, and forecasting. The course presents state-of-the-art decision support technologies required to solve real business problems primarily using Excel spreadsheets and SAP business analytics tools.
Prerequisite: MNGT-368 with a minimum grade of C or MATH-275 with a minimum grade of C or MATH-305 with a minimum grade of C or ECON-220 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-353. Supply Chain Analytics. 3 Hours.

The course provides an introduction to supply chain management involving the flows of materials, information, and cash, from the source of raw materials to end customers. The focus is on decisions involving the investment in productive resources, configuration of processes, product designs, and development of partnerships with suppliers and channels of distribution. Perspectives on marketing (channels of distribution), logistics, and operations management will be analyzed.
Prerequisite: MNGT-377 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-354. Logistics Management. 3 Hours.

Introduction to the business logistics environment. Detailed coverage of the use of concepts and quantitative techniques in facility location, distribution, warehousing, scheduling, order processing, storage, material handling and other logistics design and operating decisions.
Prerequisite: MNGT-377 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-355. Creativity And Innovation. 3 Hours.

This course focuses on innovation and creativity from the perspectives of the organizations, teams and individual employees. Special consideration is given to the processes of creativity, the relationship between creativity and innovation, development of creativity, multiple facets of creativity, building and managing creative teams, and development of original thinking.

MNGT-368. Business Statistics. 3 Hours.

This course introduces students to both descriptive and inferential statistics as they apply to business. Its focus is on descriptive measures, probability concepts, discrete and continuous probability distributions, sampling distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, and simple linear regression. Prereq.: MATH-165.
Prerequisite: MATH-165 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-369. Introduction To Data Science. 3 Hours.

The course exposes students to key concepts, techniques and tools of business data science. Using R-scripts, students apply tools to analyze business data for decision making. The topics covered include, but are not limited to, regression, regularization, classification, experiments, controls, factorization, text data, and nonparametrics.
Prerequisite: (MNGT-368 with a minimum grade of C or MATH-275 with a minimum grade of C or MATH-305 with a minimum grade of C) or ECON-220 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-370. Writing Intensive Program: Managing Global Business Organization. 3 Hours.

This course addresses four critical areas of the emerging management environment: globalization, diversity, leadership, and teamwork. Traditional and projected theories of organization management and organization behavior, as focused toward these four themes, are examined. Additionally, the writing intensive component of this course includes a variety of written communication activities to develop a discipline-focused writing skill.
Requirement: All foundation courses completed with a grade of C or better
Prerequisite: ENGL-101 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-371. Organizational Behavior. 3 Hours.

A broad survey analyzing the contributions of behavioral science to management and administration. Topics stressed are scientific method in organizational research, individual and group dimensions of organizational behavior, decision making, barriers to communication, work motivation, intergroup conflict, leadership, organizational climate and development, and analysis of power in organizations. Role playing, simulations, class exercises and case studies are used.
Prerequisite: MNGT-370 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-372. Organization Theory And Design. 3 Hours.

This course approaches the study of business organizations and their management from a macro persperctive. The focus of organization theory is to study the structure and design of organizations. Students are presented with both the descriptive and prescriptive aspects of the discipline in order to provide insight into the planning and designing or organizations for effectiveness. Major topics include rational and social systems views of organizations; the social, technical, legal and economic environments of organizations; organizational characteristics such as size, technology, structure, climate and administrative philosophy; elements of organizational structure and design (authority structure); specialization; degree of centralization; policies; communication channels; and reward systems; organizational processes including goal setting; strategic planning; decision making; coordinating and controlling; and organizational survival.
Prerequisite: MNGT-370 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-373. Human Resource Management. 3 Hours.

Organization and operation of the personnel department. Role of the personnel department in the organization. Topics include task/job development (job analysis, job design, job specification, job enlargement, job enrichment, performance standards, work rules, work conditions); staffing the organization (recruitment, selection, placement, promotion, demotion, interviewing, testing); performance appraisal; training and development; compensation (wage and salary administration, supplementary benefits, incentives); collective bargaining (unionization, negotiation, grievance and arbitration); legal and other environmental issues are stressed.
Prerequisite: MNGT-370 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-374. Staffing & Selection. 3 Hours.

This course focuses on Staffing and Selection from the perspectives of the organization. Special consideration is given to the processes of Human Resource Planning, hiring, firing, the underlying legal environment, as well as ethical issues. The major topics include labor market, legal environment, HR planning, job analysis, measurement, recruiting, and selection. Prerequisites: (1) completion of at least 60 credit hours of course work, (2) completion of the eight 100-level and 200-level College of Business & Management Foundation courses, each with "C" or higher, and Foundation GPA of 2.50, and (3) MNGT-370 with a "C" or higher.
Prerequisite: MNGT-370 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-375. Management And Organization Communications. 3 Hours.

Formal structures, channels and mechanism for communication within the organization and its environment. Informal process of communication within the organization. Supervisory and management roles in organizational communication. Dynamics of communication in and between organization work units. Functional roles/ perspectives affecting organizational communications. Class exercises and case studies will be used.
Prerequisite: MNGT-370 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-376. Small Business Management. 3 Hours.

Application of management concepts and techniques to the small firm. Special attention will be given to the particular nature, opportunities, needs, and problems of small manufacturing, wholesale, retail, and business service firms. Topics include comparison of similarities, differences and relations between small and large firms, issues and methods in starting a small firm (including selecting the legal mode of organization, buying an existing firm, franchising); funding; risk and venture management for small firms; the role of local, state, and federal government. Case studies and field research may be included.
Prerequisite: FINA-360 with a minimum grade of C and MKTG-350 with a minimum grade of C and MNGT-370 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-377. Production/Operations Management. 3 Hours.

This course covers subjects related to the design of production, inventory and quality control systems. In the production systems design the following topics are covered: design of products and services, capacity planning, process design, work analysis and measurement, facility location, production scheduling. In the inventory control systems design the following issues will be discussed: relation of inventory system to the other functions of organizations, cost structure, deterministic and probabilistic control models. In the quality control design the following are covered: quality concept, statistical quality control methods such as control charts, sampling etc.
Prerequisite: MNGT-368 with a minimum grade of C and MNGT-370 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-378. Managing Diversity In Organizations. 3 Hours.

This class addresses the issues, knowledge, theories, and applications related to managing diversity in organizations. Topics covered in this class will enhance awareness of existence of diversity at the workplace and address approaches of creation of productive diverse workforce. Class discussion will include topics such as glass ceiling effect, stereotyping process, sexual harassment, work and family conflicts, and reverse discrimination. Readings related to the implementation of diversity training programs as well as fair recruitment and selection processes will be discussed.
Prerequisite: MNGT-370 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-379. Business Analytics. 3 Hours.

This application-based course covers descriptive, predictive, as well as prescriptive analytics. It focuses on data visualization, multiple regression, data mining, linear optimization models, integer linear optimization models, simulation and decision analysis.
Prerequisite: MNGT-368 with a minimum grade of C or MATH-275 with a minimum grade of C or MATH-305 with a minimum grade of C or ECON-220 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-380. Entrepreneurship. 3 Hours.

Examination of the entrepreneurial process and the role of entrepreneurship in new ventures and small businesses, obtaining financing for new businesses; marketing, R & D, and production of new products and services. Evaluation of the entrepreneurs and ways to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit in organizations of all sizes. Students will be required to write a realistic business plan.
Prerequisite: (FINA-360 with a minimum grade of C and MKTG-350 with a minimum grade of C and MNGT-370 with a minimum grade of C) or (MNGT-201 with a minimum grade of C and MNGT-350 with a minimum grade of C).

MNGT-381. Managing International Business. 3 Hours.

This course examines the following issues: Brief history of international business and globalization; opportunities and risks arising out of the economic, political, and socio-cultural similarities and differences among countries or regions; the role of governments, international institutions and agreements such as trade agreements in facilitating or influencing international business; variety of international business transactions including international trade and foreign direct investment and factors to consider while selecting and managing one or more of these business transactions and doing business abroad including cross-cultural management of stakeholders.
Prerequisite: MNGT-370 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-382. Internship In Management. 3 Hours.

MNGT-383. Internship In Management. 4 Hours.

MNGT-384. Internship In Management. 5 Hours.

MNGT-385. Internship In Management. 6 Hours.

MNGT-386. Independent Study In Management. 3 Hours.

MNGT-387. Independent Study In Management. 2 Hours.

MNGT-388. Independent Study In Management. 1 Hour.

MNGT-390. Compensation Management. 3 Hours.

This course provides students with a practical and theoretical understanding of compensation from the perspectives of managers (who make reward decisions), employees (who receive the rewards and are the “customers” of the reward system), and human resource practitioners (who assist in the design and maintenance of reward systems). It also provides an overview of the considerations necessary to develop a compensation system that is internally and externally equitable and fiscally responsible. Legislative and social issues affecting pay decisions and alignment of pay policies with business strategy and other human resource programs are also covered.
Prerequisite: MNGT-370 with a minimum grade of C and MNGT-373 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-391. Human Resource Information System. 3 Hours.

This course will help develop information system knowledge and skills that are necessary for Human Resource (HR) professionals. It will focus on the structure and strategic capabilities of a Human Resources Information System (HRIS); the identification of Human Resource information needs; the HRIS implementation process; and how HRIS supports various HR practices.
Prerequisite: MNGT-370 with a minimum grade of C and MNGT-373 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-392. Business, Technology And Society. 3 Hours.

Course deals with the environment of business. The role of technology in modern business organizations is considered as well as social change and social pressure on the business community. Other topics to be covered are the social responsibility of business; "The Social Adult" : its function in business organizations; managing modern business: changes and adaptability; technology transfer activities in modern business: the U.S. and developing countries' experiences.
Prerequisite: MNGT-370 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-393. Strategic Management. 3 Hours.

This advanced capstone course involves the study of the concepts and techniques of determining strategies and operational policies of business organizations. Primarily through the use of cases, student are exposed to theories of business policy, business environment, and the impact of different policy making scenarios on selected functions of the business organizations.

MNGT-399. Management Of Change. 3 Hours.

An advanced seminar course focusing on organizational change management by managers and employees who wish to initiate a change, are assigned responsibility to manage a change, or who are affected by change initiated by others. Major topics include: nature and dynamics of change and change management; dimensions of change; change management strategies; cycle theories; stability and change; resistance to change; the change manager as change agent or resister/defender.
Prerequisite: MNGT-370 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-401. Fundamentals Of Business Statistics. 2 Hours.

This course provides graduate students without a recent business academic background a foundation in the field of business statistics. It addresses the concepts of probability distributions and statistical inference and considers various methods of describing data, including the normal distribution. Statistical estimation, sampling and methods of testing hypotheses of means and proportions using various distributions are discussed. A brief consideration is given to quality control, analysis of variance, and linear regression.

MNGT-402. Applied Business Research. 3 Hours.

This course conveys the nature, purpose and method of applied business research for practicing managers and owner-operators and enables them to acquire research skills. Course topics include problem or project definition, data gathering, hypothesis testing, analysis of result, and developing and reporting of conclusions. Special attention is devoted to the communication process, reporting research findings at various stages, and the use of traditional and high-tech sources of business information.
Prerequisite: COBM-404 with a minimum grade of C or MNGT-368 with a minimum grade of C.

MNGT-403. Leadership And Organizational Behavior. 3 Hours.

This course addresses the concepts of perception, learning and motivation, and focuses on work-related attitudes and personalities of individual employees and managers. Organizational facets of stress, group dynamics and organization culture and socialization provide a foundation for the discussion of cooperation, conflict, and influence. The role of leaders and leadership upon organizational behavior and cultures is emphasized. Management communication methods and decision-making processes are considered.

MNGT-404. Operations Management. 3 Hours.

This course provides a general introduction to operations management in organizations. Emphasis is placed on the application of the main principles and concepts of operations management. Among the topics covered are: operations strategy, capacity analysis, queuing theory, service management, quality management, inventory management, and a brief introduction to supply chain management.
Prerequisite: COBM-404 with a minimum grade of C or (MNGT-368 with a minimum grade of C and MNGT-377 with a minimum grade of C).

MNGT-474. Human Resources Policy And Decision Making. 3 Hours.

This course addresses personnel policy formulation and implementation. Consideration is given to human resources plannin, staffing, development and placement issues in the context of legal and collective bargaining constraints. A review of topical issues such as employment-at-will, drug testing, honesty in the workplace and other special topics is provided.

MNGT-480. Entrepreneurship. 3 Hours.

This course focuses on the initiation of new business ventures as contrasted with the management of on-going enterprises. Topics covered include the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, methods of identifying market opportunities, appraising market potential, determining startup costs of acceptable purchase price, legal aspects of organization or acquisition, raising venture, capital, initial capital structure, selection of the board of directors and key managers, allocation of control among involved parties, and method of rewarding entrepreneurs and key managers. Cases, readings and some outside speakers will be used. The major emphasis, however, will be on the evaluation of prospective "real world" ventures.

MNGT-481. International Management. 3 Hours.

This course examines the sailient features of decision-making and management practices in multinational firms. Particular attention is given to organizational planning and control functions, and to problems encountered by managers as they interact with host governments and institutions. Linkages between certain cultural factors and features of the managerial climate are also examined.

MNGT-487. Strategy And Organization. 3 Hours.

This course serves to integrate preceding courses through the study of strategy to integrate preceding courses through the study of strategy formulation and implementation functions and responsibilities of top-level management. The topics addressed include the concept of corporate strategy, the strategic planning and resource allocation, the design of formal organizational structure, management control systems, reward and sanction systems, the selection and training of key personnel and the leadership role of the chief executive officer. Cases and readings are drawn from a variety of types of organizations.

MNGT-489. Management Of Organizational Change. 3 Hours.

This course explores the concept of successful management of organizational and behavioral change, focusing on both "planned" and "unplanned" changes and emphasizing the development of change strategies and measurement of change effectiveness. Included will be group laboratory work using video tape systems. Attention will also be given in response to external (e.g., social) changes. Opportunities exist for field work in various institutional contexts.

MNGT-490. Innovation And Creativity. 3 Hours.

This course focuses on innovation and creativity from the perspectives of the organization and individual employees. Special consideration is given to the processes of creativity, the relationship between creativity and innovation, development of creativity, and multiple facets of creativity. Within these major emphases, topics include definition of creativity, inhibitors and activators of creativity in individuals, teams, and organizations, idea creation and evaluation, building and managing creative teams.

MNGT-491. Strategic Technology & Innovation Management. 3 Hours.

This course will discuss how technological changes create opportunities for value creation and capture; different types of product and process innovations; and challenges and opportunities created by technological changes. Students will explore how industries are transformed by technological changes; how managerial action shapes opportunities for value creation and capture from new innovations; analytical tools that are vital to understanding which innovations create value and which ones do not; and how technological changes and innovation affect competitive advantages. Emphasis will be on learning conceptual models and frameworks that help firms navigate the complex and dynamic technological changes.

MNGT-498. International Business. 3 Hours.

This course examines the cultural, social, political and economic factors which underlie certain business practices in foreign countries. Depending upon the expertise and preference of the instructor, the course may focus upon a few primary geographical areas (e.g., Eastern Europe, Far East) intensively, or it may present a wide array of cultural environments in survey fashion.

MNGT-500. Project. 3 Hours.

Approval of major advisor is necessary.

MNGT-501. Thesis. 3 Hours.

Approval of major advisor is necessary.

MNGT-502. Business Policy And Strategy. 3 Hours.

This course focuses upon strategy formulation and implementation at the highest level of organizations. Methods of obtaining resources and creating systems, structures and policies needed to attain strategic goals are addressed, as is the critical role of the chief executive officer (CEO) or the owner-operation of smaller entities. The common body of knowledge acquired from other graduate business courses is integrated and applied to policy and strategy issues or practices within a wide range of organizational frameworks, including multinational corporations, small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and sole proprietorship. The case method of instruction is emphasized.