NEIU Baccalaureate Goals
Northeastern Illinois University prepares a diverse community of students for leadership and service in our region and in a dynamic multicultural world. This is achieved through pursuit of the following goals:
- Intellectual and Practical Skills
- Inquiry, evaluation and analysis
- Critical and creative thinking
- Written and oral communication proficiency
- Original design and artistic performance
- Quantitative literacy
- Information literacy and research skills
- Technological fluency
- Teamwork and problem solving
- Immersion in Disciplines and Fields of Study
- Knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world
- Mastery of different modes of knowing and integrative learning in a student’s major, with a broad awareness of other areas of study
- Ability to synthesize general and specialized studies both within and across disciplines
- Use of classroom knowledge to identify and engage big questions, as well as the practical issues of everyday life
- Learning within the Framework and Resources of NEIU
- Integration of knowledge through internships, volunteerism, service learning, student teaching, applied research and writing, creative work and performance, etc.
- Engagement at the personal and community level
- Application of local and global civic knowledge
- Understanding and appreciation of the complexities of individual identities
- Intercultural knowledge and competence
These goals promote intellectual development and mastery of knowledge across the curriculum. The experiences of applied learning and engaging diversity foster life-long learning, social responsibility and ethical professionalism in the NEIU graduate.