Sexual Misconduct

Sexual Misconduct Policy

University Policy Statement
Northeastern Illinois University (Northeastern or the University) supports the principles of equal opportunity and non-discrimination and does not tolerate sexual harassment.

Northeastern complies with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination in the University’s educational programs and activities based on sex. Northeastern accepts complaints of sexual or sex-based discrimination, including sexual harassment, from students, employees, applicants for admission or employment, and University visitors. The University does not tolerate retaliation against any person for coming forward with a complaint or concern, or for otherwise participating in the process of addressing Title IX reports or complaints. In addition, Northeastern provides reasonable accommodations to qualified applicants, students, and employees with disabilities and to individuals who are pregnant. The University's Sexual Misconduct policy provides additional information.

Purpose of the Policy
The purpose of this policy is to advance Northeastern’s long-held position that sexual harassment violates the standards of our community and is unacceptable, and to provide sexual harassment proceedings which will include a prompt, fair, and impartial process from the initial investigation to the final result. This policy furthers Northeastern’s commitment to providing locations that are safe and secure from sexual harassment.

Support and Resources
Students who have experienced sexual harassment may contact the Title IX Office to learn about their rights and options, including how to file a complaint (Title IX web page).  Anonymous complaints are accepted via online submission here.  Please see the University’s Notice of Rights and Options document for comprehensive information regarding sexual harassment incidents.  Students may directly contact the Title IX Coordinator at Main Campus Room C-216, or (773) 442-5412.  

Students in need of support should visit the University’s K(NO)W More web page for resources and guidance. Students may seek support from the following confidential resources at Northeastern (offices exempt from mandatory reporting of sexual harassment matters):  Confidential Advisor: (773) 442-4656 or 5372, Office of Student Counseling Services: (773) 442-4650, and the Office of Student Health Services: (773) 442-5800.