Project Success

Erica S. Brown-Pierce, Director
Lech Walesa Hall, LWH-4029

(773) 442-4980

Established at Northeastern Illinois University in 1968, Project Success is an academic support services program that has historically and continues to serve African-American or first generation college students who demonstrate academic potential, but do not meet the general university admissions requirements.

Project Success is also a University admitting body, responsible for recruiting and admitting students. Students in this program are given a two-year adjustment period to meet University academic requirements. They must actively participate in the assistance programs provided and show evidence of academic progress.

Students receive guidance and support from academic advisors until the requirements to declare a major are met and/or four semesters have transpired since the student enrolled at NEIU. In addition, the program offers integral information about transitioning and excelling in college, via 3-credit academic transition courses taught by Project Success advisors. These courses complement the program’s objectives to provide personal and academic support services designed to increase scholastic achievement and persistence towards graduation.

ACAD-101B. Success Program Seminar I: Project Success. 3 Hours.

This course covers college success strategies by: 1) developing students' self-awareness and self assessment; 2) promoting a better understanding and appreciation of educational, cultural and professional environments and specifically, the NEIU environment and 3) cultivating and enhancing students' learning, organizational and critical thinking skills as well as helping students define career options while integrating computer technilogy. Students will also understand and apply appropriate general education concepts.

ACAD-102B. Success Program Seminar II: Project Success. 3 Hours.

This course expands upon college success strategies as described in Acad Dev 101B- Success Program Seminar I: Project Success. The course is designed for students who successfully completed Acad Dev 101B- Success Program Seminar I: Project Success, but did not successfully complete the first Fall term at Northeastern, with a term grade point average of 2.0 or higher, based on the Project Success Achievement Agreement.